By: Pastor Paolo Punzalan of Every Nation: Victory Fort

Do you have people in your life that are easy to love – that you enjoy being with and have no problems helping if they need assistance? We all do.

But do you also have people in your life that you are not so excited to be with and if we are going to be very honest, you had wished you would never bump into?

In John 13, we are told that Jesus served his disciples by washing their feet. Verse 1 tells us that Jesus had loved his disciples during his ministry on earth, and now “he loved them to the very end.”

It was mind boggling how Jesus was consistent in his love for people particularly his disciples. He loved them whether they were doing well or whether they would mess up. Peter would waver in unbelief, James and John would be arrogant enough to want to sit at the right hand and left of Jesus in his kingdom, while others would bicker who’s the greatest in the kingdom.

Moreover, Jesus knew what the future held – that his disciples would desert him at the very last and darkest moments of his life on earth. All these he knew and yet he loved them to the very end. Jesus loved them consistently, unconditionally and completely.

Consistently – no matter what the day looked like for him and how his disciples acted that day.
Unconditionally – whether they were obedient or not, faithful or not, serving or selfish.
Completely – In all this, Jesus did not withhold his love for his disciples unlike me sometimes. There is a tendency to withhold love from those who don’t reciprocate or those who don’t love you the way you’ve expressed it.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the example of Jesus. He served, helped, healed, taught and gave. He loved consistently, unconditionally and completely. Give me grace to do the same as I encounter various kinds of people this week – those I enjoy being with and those I am not so excited to even bump into. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.