We are called to live extraordinary lives, but for that to happen we have to get out of the boat. Step out of our comfort zone into those uncharted waters. Jesus is waiting to meet you and he will be with you every step of the way!!

Matthew details the story of when Jesus walked on water

Matthew 14:26-31 When the disciples saw Jesus walking on the lake they were horrified “It’s a ghost” they said and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said “Take courage it is I don’t be afraid”  “Lord if it is you” replied Peter “Tell me to come to you on the water”  “Come” he said.  Than Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus But when He saw the wind he was afraid and beginning to sink, and cried out “Lord save me” Jesus reached out his hand and caught him “You of little faith” he said “why did you doubt”

As soon as Jesus said “Come” Peter stepped out of the boat! And it wasn’t until he took his eyes off of Jesus, fear of circumstances, fear of failure took hold. He started to see the waves crashing all  around him and started to sink .But when his eyes were focused on Jesus he walked on water!!

The good news is even when his faith failed him and he started to sink, as soon as Peter cried out to Jesus his hand was there to lift him up!!!

And Jesus’s words to Peter “You of little faith why did you doubt?”

Jesus is saying the same thing to us I will be there with you through every storm, every circumstance. Through anything I call you to do just keep your eyes on me. Get out of the boat!

We are called to live extraordinary lives, but for that to occur you need to get out of the boat and out of your comfort zone

John 10:27 Jesus said “My sheep hear my voice I know them and they follow me”

Jesus will call us to places we would never go without him and He will ask you to step out of your comfort zone to a place where you need to rely on him you, need to have faith ,you need to trust him .

It’s our choice, we can stay in the boat comfortable doing what we’ve always done or when you hear Jesus say “Come” you will step out of the boat and step into those uncharted waters.

As a Christian he will ask you to share your faith!!  As a church we will help equip you to do that by teaching you an effective way to share your faith that is sensitive to others. Here is a method I use often to share my faith……

It’s called the S.A.L.T Principle

S– Start a conversation

A –Ask questions—Potential questions can be– Do you believe in God? Are you a spiritual person?

L-Listen—Listen to what they have to say and

T—Tell the story –Tell your personal story and about God coming to earth in the person of Jesus story

We are called to live extraordinary lives but in order to do that we have to get out of the boat. Your boat is whatever represents safety and security. When Jesus says “come” He will bring you to places you’ve never been before and the good news is He will be with you every step of the way. He will call you to do things that are out of your comfort zone so that you need to rely on him.

I will always remember the first time my Pastor asked me to speak on a Sunday morning, to say I had butterflies is an understatement it felt more like large winged  birds. I had no experience in public speaking. I prayed to God and kept telling Him “I can’t do this without you. Please let me know you are there with me”….  He did just that!!!

As soon as I stepped out of the boat to deliver the message all fear left me and I knew he was right there with me

Do I still get butterflies when I speak?…. Yes I do.

But, I have faith that came from stepping out of the boat that first time!!! And trusting that Jesus would be there to meet me to quiet my fears and guide my steps

I never take this for granted. I pray that same prayer every time I speak. God please be with me because I can’t do this without you.

So I want to encourage you today to “STEP OUT OF THE BOAT” Jesus is saying “COME”

He will meet you and lead you into a life filled with faith, hope, love, and purpose!!!